Operation of the masticatory system

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According to Dr. Harb, "Definition of the Operation of the masticatory system: Bio-dynamic physiological mandibular advancement of the act of manducation with the different oro-facial functions; grip [posture condylienne in RCF (1°), opening-closing straight (2°), a physiological occlusion close to the natural teeth (3°), in the service of Chewing (4°) and functional swallowing".

This is a symmetrical face:

The mandible is in a physiological rest position:

        •  Morphology of skeletal bases: The cranial base, maxillary and mandibular are symmetrical in themselves and normal in size, the anatomy               of the structures of the Temporomandibular joint is symmetrical.

        •  The position of the skeletal bases including:

              The maxillary coincides with the skull base of the insertion of the upper labial frenulum representing the maxillary bone base,                                   perpendicular to the paramedian sagittal plane

              The mandible is shown by Ramaux planes and symphysis in transparent red, a balanced posture in relation to the skull and maxilla

        •  Mandibular function:

                     So that the triagramme of Posselt, best reflects the combined path of condylar movements, the point of reference of the anterior                              mandibular chosen must be bone and not dental. it is obtained by the intersection between the horizontal insertion base of the lower                        labial brake and its mediator. The condylar displacements are expressed by three-dimensional axiogrammes that we call                                          "triaxiogrammes"

In this position of mandibular rest: Later, there is bilateral condyle-disc coaptation, mandibular condyles are in pure rotation ...


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